Kisii, Tuesday June 28 2022 by Anthony Kamau

Speaking in a campaign rally at Bosoti Sengera ward in Bomachoge Chache Constituency, Hon. Ezekiel Machogu, the area Member of Parliament for Nyaribari Masaba Constituency and the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) gubernatorial aspirant called upon the members of public to maintain peace during this electioneering period.

Kisii county residents and politicians have been urged to champion and uphold peaceful campaigns during and after the August 9 general elections.

Kisii County Gubernatorial Aspirant on the UDA ticket Hon. Ezekiel Machogu addresses a rally in Bosoti Sengera ward in Kisii County.

“I plead with all the people in Kisii county to maintain peace wherever they are.” Said the lawmaker. He also added that everyone has a right to visit any part of Kisii County to sell their manifesto.

Machogu lamented over the traditions of dirty campaigns of violence and pleaded with the youths to eschew any politician who may want to use them to propagate violence.

“There is a friend of mine in this county who is using youths to throw stone and bring violence, that is not the kind of politics we want in Kisii,” noted Hon. Machogu.

The Kisii County gubernatorial aspirant also used the opportunity to seek support from the residents of Kisii county in his bid to clinche the seat of county boss with promises of improved health facilities, education, conducive business environment, employment for youths and motorable roads.

He was accompanied by various UDA aspirants for various political posts among them his running mate Hon.Migos Ogamba and Hon. Joash Maangi, the UDA senatorial aspirant.


By Anthony Kamau

It is now exactly eleven months and 22 days, to the 2022 general elections according to the constitution. It is a day anticipated by many. A day whose precedence is nonexistent. A day that will mark a new age. A new epoch for this country after 10 years of Jubilee reign. And yes, a day whose coming is craved by many. A day whose curtain-raisers are dissolution of political confederacies and formation of new axis, opinions mooting for its postponement, uncertainties brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, ethnicity, uninformed and aggrieved electorates who are eager to go to the ballots to punish their duplicitous politicians, rising political tension, fickle electoral commission, ever increasing antagonism between the executive and the judiciary , heightened public debt, harsh economy and the BBI bandwagon on constitutional amendment. All these acting as distinctive players in setting stage for what might be Kenya’s unprecedented general elections.
In what looks like a ‘state in limbo’ as the country approaches the electioneering period, the future of this country inexplicably depends on what will happen between now and next years’ general elections.
Given the prevailing political atmosphere, journalists are at a very central and critical position to change the political discourse in the country. They have a responsibility to inject into the public discourse the fact that though elections are political in nature, they also cover a broad spectrum of the overall wellbeing of this country.The media should interpose itself between the crisis of the times, and elevate the political and social-economic scope of elections.


By spelling out the fact that elections strengthen our democracy and its institutions as well as defining the development pace and trajectory of any country, journalists have an obligation to remind the electorates and the politicians that their individual decisions during elections matters so much in the collective outcome of the exercise. This awareness should consequently bring quality leadership at the focus of the political discourse. We are witnessing dissolutions of former political alliances and in synergy the formation of new ones. This appears to have started immediately after the 2017 general elections, where the ruling coalition started to have inhouse quibbles between the president and his deputy that have escalated and beheld the formation of UDA party, which is affiliated to the Deputy President Dr. William Ruto, who is set to run the presidential race on its ticket. Lately we have also witnessed the dissolution of NASA which had brought together Raila Odinga’s ODM, Kalonzo Musyoka’s WIPER, Moses Wetangula’s FORD-KENYA and Musalia Mudavadi’s A.N.C. The later three erstwhile NASA principals have united to form the One Kenya Alliance. Nonetheless, with or without new coalitions, Kenya has reached a point where quality leadership becomes an existential need. The media, in covering the events leading to, during and the elections should be aware that citizens are the essential players during this period and thus report on public interest stories. Journalists have a responsibility, not to cover the politicians, but to cover the citizens.
At this hour, political reporters should watch out against propagandas and tricks from the politicians who are craving for media coverage.


When voting becomes a right, it comes with a wake up call to responsible voting. This implicates poor voting criteria to the miseries that bedevil constituents of a given constituency who voted wrongly and earned themselves a duplicitous leader. During the 2017 general elections, I watched as electorate went to cast capricious votes unaware of the irredeemable consequences of their ignorance. At one point I wanted to believe that someone must have bewitched Kenyans. But lately as I watched the just ended by-elections at Kiambaa Constituency in Kiambu County, I realised that there is a very big problem with our politics. It was both disheartening and prickling to hear political analysts argue that the exercise which the constituents of Kiambaa ought to have used to earn themselves quality and visionary leadership ended as a race between the President and his Deputy President. A protest vote against the president for their perceived ‘betrayal’ by him. It is a discourse whose repetition one wouldn’t wish to envisage in the upcoming general elections. This presents incontrovertible evidence that most electorates lack civic education on responsible voting. Electorates needs to be enlightened that voting is a political right accorded to them to help them express their sovereign autonomy in the governance of their constituency or country. It shouldn’t be taken as a way of rewarding a certain politicians for some trivial pecuniary gift. Neither should the electorates perceive voting as a means of punishing a fraudulent leader for betraying the trust they reposed on them. There is thus a great demand for quality public information. The media thus has a duty to ensure that all the important information on the political party manifesto and proposals, leaders’ tract record and the entire electoral process is availed to the citizens. Citizens need to be informed on their an unassailable authority to determine the developmental trajectory of their country. All the ills of harsh economy, heightened public debts, and unchecked corruption and embezzlement of public funds; that have bedevilled this country can either be solved or exacerbated at the ballot box. It will be very important as the country veers towards next years polls, that there may be policies to ensure that electorates have enough information to enable them vote responsibily and vote good, quality and visionary leadership. Remember the words of Mark Skousen, “We shall never change our political leaders, until we change the people who elect them.”


For a long time, Kenya has been witnessing divisive politics rising from periodical general elections that have been allegedly marred by rigging, and ensuing politically motivated violence.In almost every general election, there must be ethnically mobilized political violence only differentiated by the degree of their viciousness. This tribalism goes way back to the times of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, where parties were formed based on one’s tribe. Detrimental effects of the disputed general elections have been witnessed since time immemorial, that is from 1997, when Kenya’s ruling party then, Kenya African National Unity (KANU) unleashed terror in order to coerce the citizens and to forge forward their devolution agenda
It is now more than fifty years since Kenya gained her independence, yet, the undeniable truth is that the politics of this country are deeply ethnic. A ‘modern day ogre’ that always sends chills whenever we approach any general election. It is a vice whose vitriol and venom is always ignited by the careless words of the political leaders. Words that are later given resonance and magnified by the media house. And if it is true that the media plays a role in magnifying such sinister statements, then, the opposite is also true. Journalists and media houses need to preach a gospel of unity. A country of one ethnicity; Kenyan. A time has come for this country to practice mature politics. Our voting criteria need to be founded on the capabilities of a given candidates and rather not on their ethnicity. If at all this country will be able to cross over to the other age after 2022 polls, then, both the media and the politicians have a responsibility to mortify this unsightly and ravenous monster called tribalism. Since the divisive 2017 general elections that almost decimated the country’s national cohesion, there have been gradational efforts by political leaders in seeking a lasting solution to tribalism. This efforts engendered the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and the opposition leader Right Hon. Raila Odinga who were the two principal antagonists in the 2017 general election and were at the helm of the divisive politics.


The “Handshake” was a public declaration to cease all hostilities and instead find a common ground in the interest of moving the country forward economically and politically. It is in this spirit of ‘handshake,’ that the Building Bridges Initiative was birthed out. A constitutional amendment bill, whose proponents argue will bring lasting solution to the divisive elections and tribals clashes. It is this bill, now awaiting a court ruling from the court of appeal, that seems to be enkindling calls from it’s proponents for the postponement of next year’s general elections. This clamour to postpone the elections has attracted opinions from different political wings, witg some arguing that the elections cannot be postponed, not unless the constitution is changed.
The BBI bill was challenged in court with the court terming it illegal, a decision that has revived and enlivened the animosity between the executive and the judiciary. The animosity that was triggered by supreme court’s decision to nullify the 2017 general elections in which President Kenyatta had been declared a winner. It is after the nullification that the president vowed to revisit the judiciary. His second term in office has been featured by perpetual loggerheads between the executive and the judiciary.


The readiness of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to hold next year’s general elections has also been put to the question with Mps threatening to decline the Kshs. 40 billion polls budget, amendments to the electoral laws as well as the request by the commission to procure new technologies to manage the elections.
With the current crisis in the political atmosphere, COVID-19 is also another factor that needs to be considerered as the country edges closer to August 9th, 2022 general elections. But despite of all the questions on the country’s readiness to go to the ballots, elections still remains inevitable. We will gave to vote and thus the critical need for us to prepare well.


Tradition! Tradition! A Story of Mother Earth, by

Efua Dorkenoo, published by FORWARD Ltd.,

London, 1992.

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in a faraway country known as the Land of Myrrh. There lived a proud people of great cultural heritage, enriched by deep-rooted and much-treasured traditions. It was tradition, for instance, that the women of Myrrh were one-legged. But one-legged as they might be, a more elegant and self-possessed species of womankind can hardly be imagined.

They had charming flirtatious ways, and an extraordinary gift for beautiful poetry. At the same time they were not without ambitions, and they possessed just the right measure of astuteness necessary to achieve them. And when the occasion demanded it, they could be very aggressive.

One day, the Great Creator sent Mother Earth to the Land of Myrrh to see how the people were getting along. You see, there had been a very bad drought, people were hungry, and naturally the Great Creator was concerned. And so Mother Earth, disguised as an old woman, visited the Land of Myrrh. She was surprised to notice, upon her arrival, that the women considered it not only normal, but fashionable, to walk on one leg!

So Mother Earth set about trying to discover the reasons for the strange phenomenon of the one-legged women. This, however, was no easy task. The people she asked gave somewhat confusing answers as to why women were unable to keep their two legs.

Some people told her that if one of the legs of a little girl was not cut off, it would grow and grow, and before you knew where you were, it would become as big as a tree! Others told her that a woman with both legs was unable to bear a child. Yet others explained that a woman needed protection from herself; and somehow having one leg cut off helped to ensure this. Mother Earth asked: “In what way?” But she did not receive a satisfactory answer.
However, when she persisted with her question, Mother Earth was told that with two legs a woman would run away and become a prostitute, but with one she would have difficulty!

Some people turned to the religious texts for an answer to Mother Earth’s question, and they convinced themselves that it was the Great Creator who had decreed that women would behave better with just one leg But there was one very old woman in the Land of Myrrh who could remember how this habit of cutting one leg off every little girl had started. And she told Mother Earth the following story:

“A long time ago”, said the old woman, “in fact three thousand years ago, in the reign of Moussa, the Land of Myrrh was enjoying a period of plenty and there were great festivities. “Each year, colourful, exotic dance festivals were held to select the person who would be Ruler of the Land. In those days men and women competed equally and the best dancer would be crowned the Ruler of Myrrh.

“For five successive years, Moussa won all the competitions hands down. But in the sixth year, it seemed that the throne was going to be snatched from him. A beautiful woman had appeared on the scene, and it was clear she could dance far better than Moussa. “Moussa got very worried,” the old woman continued. “He decided something had to be done! In desperation he passed a decree that all women should have one leg cut off. This seemed to solve his problem, for dancing on one leg unsuccessfully put women out of the competition. So Moussa was able to continue his reign for another 20 years.”

This, then, was the old woman’s recollection of how the phenomenon of the one-legged women began. But to generations of the people of Myrrh it was simply tradition, handed down by their ancestors. What is more, it had become the responsibility of women themselves to see to it that all girl children adhered to this tradition!

Mother Earth was fascinated by the story. But she wanted to know whether the old woman thought it was a good practice.

The old woman stood pondering for a while, and then she replied: “I have known of many traditions, some good, some bad – as for this one, I am not sure”. Then Mother Earth remarked: “But just from looking at you I thought you felt comfortable.”

“Oh no,” said the old woman. “We have so many difficulties carrying out our daily chores with one leg! But everybody was frightened, and dared not discuss this issue.

They all put on a brave face and professed it to be a wonderful tradition! “Some said you could only be beautiful with one leg! Others claimed you could only be clean with one leg! Many claimed a woman could only be pure with one leg!!!

“And after a while, some women would say: ‘Why should we let the young women off the hook? We have suffered so much being one-legged. Now it is time for young girls to play their part in keeping the tradition going.”

By this time, Mother Earth was curious to know what the men had to say about all this. Was it possible that fathers would be blindly following such a tradition? Surely not!

But the truth, she discovered, was that men could not afford to disapprove of tradition – even bad tradition. They believed it would destroy family honour and dignity, and affect their status in the community. “And after all”, they argued, “who would pay a good bride price for a daughter with two legs?”

Then Mother Earth asked: “But what about the children?” She could imagine them screaming with fear and pain. Yes, she was told, childrn would always be children. There were those who screamed and shouted and had to be forced to have the operation for their own good. Most of them, though, wanted to be like their friends and part of the crowd.

Then Mother Earth thought that perhaps the rulers of the land might take a lead in stopping this bad tradition. But alas even they were not prepared to do so! They were afraid of challenging such a deep-rooted tradition.

Meanwhile, the food situation in this droughtstricken land was getting worse and worse. Walking on crutches, the women found it difficult to work the land and to travel far and wide to find richer pastures and foliage for the animals.

But as the situation became more dire, Mother Earth noticed that the people of Myrrh were beginning to question. A few men and women were coming together to discuss what they could do to stop this bad tradition. They had realised the time had come to challenge it, if future generations were to survive these hard times.

As they talked among themselves, they discovered a multitude of myths surrounding the tradition. And as time went on, they gathered strength to challenge the myths and began to plan.
But alas …. all this time there had been a spy amongst them. Unknown to them, she had betrayed their plans to the rulers. In return, the rulers had promised that her family would never go hungry. And so the guards came and took away the ringleaders. And that was the end of the effort of the people of Myrrh to come together to stop this evil tradition.

And so, children, little girls continue to be mutilated to this day. In fact, it has been going on for so long now that people just take it for granted. They have stopped questioning their tradition!

But come along, children. We have a game of survival to play, and for this we need both our leg. So come along!

● Cutting off the leg is comparable with FGM.
● Mother Earth represents all of us with our individual and collective responsibility for the actions of society.
● Mother Earth’s exploration of the tradition depended on her ability to relate effectively to the community
– she asked questions
– she was non-judgmental
– she listened empathetically
– she reflected carefully
– she used a positive approach.
● Mother Earth motivated people in the community to think again about the tradition.
● At the end, where Mother Earth invites children hearing the story to play a game of survival, indicates that the new generation needs to be educated and motivated to change harmful traditions.


● Awareness-raising in communities of problems associated with the tradition.
● Community involvement to eliminate the practice.
● Education of health care workers to provide knowledge and understanding of the practice.
● Mobilization of youth, women, elders and leaders to work to eliminate the practice.
● Introduction of by-laws against FGM practice at community level.


Female Genital Mutilation InThinking about harmful tradition “Tradition! Tradition! A Story of Mother Earth,” by Efua Dorkenoo, published by FORWARD Ltd., London, 1992.


By Anthony Kamau

Today, most Kenyan citizens over the age of 18 years are entitled to vote in the general elections. Voting is not just a right but it is also a civic duty. An obligation. A calling. It is a freedom for electorates to express their sovereign autonomy in the governance of their country. Like any other freedom, this freedom to decide on who to be your leader comes with consequences. The resultant denouement of the choices made by the electorates could either be good or bad. This reality that there will be either positive or negative ramifications on whatever choice voters make ought to instruct the choices of electorates as they cast their ballots. It should serve as a wake up call to responsible voting.

Voting is a privilege accorded to citizens to give them the power to participate in the democratic governance of their country. It is a means of ensuring that the individuals in political positions are accountable to their constituents. This tells of how critical voting is to the overall wellbeing of a country at whatever level of political jurisdiction. It also defines the importance of voting right. This is a shocking inevitability that should be embraced by every voter whenever they are casting their ballots to elect political leaders. It is a fact that elucidates the irredeemable cost that accompanies wrong and poor voting habits.

In a country like Kenya that has seen over five decades since she attained her independence, one would be right to expect mature politics. But it prickles and pains me excruciatingly to realize that most Kenyan voters are just naive and mere rubes. Our politics are very far from what I would regard as mature politics. This I say informed by our poor voting criteria. Whereas our voting need to be based on the policies, development records, the capability and ability of individual candidates, we Kenyan voters instead vote on tribal basis and selfishness. Most voters will elect a person if only he belongs to their ethnic battery no matter how corrupt and inept that fellow might be. Some will even vote in an individual just because he/she gave them a hundred shillings. Auch! Until when till our politics attain maturity?

Who bewitched the Kenyan electorates? Is it that most Kenyan voters are of deranged minds? Is it that they lost the capacity to intrinsic reasoning and sound judgement evaded them? Take the instance of the recent by-elections in Kiambaa constituency and you will understand why my heart is bleeding and why it pains me to remain silent. The resident constituents, instead of taking the opportunity to earn themselves a visionary and purposeful governance at the constituency level, (by this I do not intend to adjudicate that they made a wrong decision) the electorates took the exercise as a podium for them to express their aversion against the ruling party for their perceived ‘betrayal’ by the president Uhuru Kenyatta. It harrows me unbearably to imagine that the Kiambaa electorates took the opportunity of exercising their democratic right as a race between the president Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy Dr. William Ruto. It hurts me to even think that the exercise that was supposed to implant transformational leadership turned out to be a protest vote against the president.

Is there no learning curve to enlighten our electorates? I thought that one should learn from their mistakes! Electorates should always brace the fact that they are the one to bear the harsh consequences of their irresponsible and poor voting habits. They are the ones to be entirely blamed for poor governance. If we feel that we elected the wrong person, then, when accorded another chance to vote, let us vote to rectify our past mistake by voting in a qualified, vetted and approved leader and not vote to punish someone who betrayed the trust we reposed on them. Kiambaa people and all Kenyans, especially from Mont Kenya, should not be deluded by the twitter hashtag #Congratulationskikuyus. What matters after the Kiambaa by elections or any other elections is the kind of the leadership you endorsed. Your decision nowise affects the president nor his family at all. I saw the trend and just marveled at the folly around the Kenyan politics. How deranged should one be to think that the decision made by the Kiambaa people will impoverish the president? Is not that crackbrained thinking?

Time has come for ours to change the discourse. Voting is meant to provide us good governance. It should never be a means to punish an individual or a certain political affiliation. It should neither be a way of endorsing an individual from our tribe. NO. Let us debunk this folly and eschew the sham that so easily entangles and blindfolds the Kenyan electorates. As we near the general elections, let us endeavor for mature politics. Let us have campaigns and civil education to enlighten voters on the importance of responsible voting. It is important for voters to elect the right leader who can bring about transformation and development. Remember the words of Mark Skousen, “We shall never change our political leaders until we change the people who elect them.”


By Antony Kamau”Journalists, like military generals, brave battlefront hazards for public good. Without these gallant pen-wielding ‘generals’, the world would be in a perpetual space of information darkness. Be it in military combat, ethnic clashes, political skirmishes or disease outbreak, journalists will always be there to ensure an informed society. At times, some of these generals never returned alive. COVID 19 is the latest hazard that has claimed a number of journalists. We salute you colleagues for putting your lives on the line, so that the rest can live. We celebrate you as we commemorate this years’ World Press Freedom Day”

Tabitha Mutemi, Board Member MCK

THE WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY 2021“Information as a Public Good”

By Antony Kamau

This year’s World Press Freedom Day Global Conference which began on April 29th and will be culminated on 3rd of May, is being hosted by UNESCO and the Government of Namibia in Windhoek, both physically and virtually with media leaders, activists, policymakers, media and legal experts, artists and researchers from all over the world participating.

Speaking in the conference, Audrey Azoulay the Director-General of UNESCO said that this years’ theme; “Information as a Public Good,” underlines the indisputable importance of verified and reliable information. He also added that the theme accentuates the essential role of free and professional journalists in producing and disseminating this information, by tackling misinformation and other harmful content.

The theme which has been regarded as of urgent relevance globally recognizes the changing communication system that is impacting on health, human rights, democracies and sustainable development. It serves as a call to affirm the importance of cherishing information as a public good, and exploring what can be done in the production, distribution and reception of content to strengthen journalism, and to advance transparency and empowerment while leaving no one behind.

In order to underscore the importance of information within online media environment, the World Press Freedom Day 2021Conference will deal on the steps that are to be taken to ensure the economic viability of news media, mechanisms for ensuring transparency of Internet companies, enhanced Media and Information Literacy (MIL) capacities that will enable people to recognize and value, as well as defend and demand, journalism as a vital part of information as a public good. The conference is also expected to call for urgent attention to the threat of extinction faced by local news media around the world, a crisis worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will put forward ideas to tackle the challenges of the online media environment, push for more transparency of internet companies, strengthen safety of journalists, and improve their working conditions.

With the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) set to host this year’s event here in Kenya, Mr. Maina Muiruri, the chairman in his remarks on Twitter ahead of the commemoration extolled this year’s theme as one that underlines the internationally acclaimed and distinct advantages that the public stands to gain, when the right to information is respected and defended as a constitutional human right. He said that a media that enjoys the freedom of press becomes the “trusted tool to sow the seed of all-rounded development through information.”

His remarks were also backed by Hon. Justin Muturi, The Speaker of The National Assembly who celebrated the importance of press freedom in the establishment of democratic society. “A free and independent media, spreading accurate and factual information is the cornerstone of a vibrant democracy and national development.” Said Hon. Justin Muturi, in a Twitter hypermedia.

According to Hon. Justin Muturi, the press freedom also should mean that the journalists and editors uses all the available legal and ethical means in obtaining information held by the government and about the government. He also raised the importance of professionalism in accessing and disseminating information in a way that helps people become better citizens and actively participate in nation building. “It is not just about access to the information, but also using your professional skills, experience and expertise, as communicators to tell the full story in a way that helps people become better citizens, actively participating in nation building in their spaces” the hypertext posted on Twitter indicated.

Antony J. Blinker, the US Secretary of State also lauded the role of the media in enhancing democracy and development.

According to MCK commissioner Mr Demas Kiprono, Kenya’s quest for an open, democratic and human rights compliant society will heavily rely on free, functional and independent media. Mr Kiprono said that this is because media is a carrier of information that fuels meaningful debates and forms the basis of a knowledgeable and competent citizenry that can make good choices and adequately claim their rights. “The media plays a crucial role in shaping culture, uncovering the truth, challenging injustices and shining a light on the plight of the voiceless in society. ” said Mr Kiprono in a Twitter post.

Kenya has made remarkable efforts in ensuring media freedom by providing the protection of journalists, editors and media houses from interference, control and penalization by the state as stipulated in the Constitution in Articles 33, 34,35 & the Media Council Act 2013. The country has also set up organs such as MCK and the Complaints Commission to protect media freedom.

The World Freedom Day commemorated on the 3rd of May every year is a day observed to
raise awareness on the importance of press freedom and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to
freedom of expression as canonized under Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and marking the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, a statement of free press principles put together by African newspaper journalists in Windhoek in 1991. It is a day of support for media against press restraint, or abolition of press freedom. It is also a day of remembering those journalists who have lost their lives in the pursuit of a story.

This year, the Conference is connecting with the regional World Press Freedom Day celebrations, hosting six Regional Forums to focus on local aspects of press freedom and explore the current trends and challenges.

In Kenya, this year’s commemoration is of great significance as it comes in the backdrop of a contestation between the Media Council of Kenya and the Director of Criminal Investigations Mr. George Kinoti over a gun galore expose broadcast on citizen TV that saw the DCI issue summons against the Royal Media editorial leadership. The MCK rebutted by terming the summons as a ‘threat to media freedom.’


ʙʏ ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ ᴋᴀᴍᴀᴜ

Here is a narrative! A story more strange than strange! It is a story more eerie than any spookish story ever been told. It may look like a fairy tale, but one of unmatched and unparalleled nature. One very distant from mendacious tales. It is a dissertation that tends to construe the enigma surrounding the existence of ogres. Yes, a chilling editorial. Not because it features on formidable creatures of unheard nature like dragons, bogyman, gorgons and ogres, but because we are living a fairy tale someone wrote. Not that their writings were a form of prognostication, but because they were just insinuative of a cruel and scary world that we create for ourselves but fear confronting it. This article tends to corroborate the words by Stephen King when he said that we make horrors to help us cope with the real ones. So ready your fortitude and prepare your heart to encounter and outbrave the grim reality of a world of Modern Day Ogres! The ogres that we hold in fear yet they are our own creation.

But what is it that comes in your mind when you hear the word ‘ogre’? I believe that we all have different versions of ogres, bearing the fact that they are just mystical and mythological creatures.

When we speak about ogres, we normally talk about those hideous creatures in fairy tales; known for their voracious appetite and extreme hunger for human flesh. Grisly creatures feared by all. But what would it feel for someone to stand up and claim that these creatures are no longer imaginary but are real in our modern world?

While a scientist will take painstaking interest in experiments and examining scientifically the available evidence on the origin and the existence of ogres in order to prove their real existence, this Modern Day Ogre piecemeal presents to you palpable and perceptible evidence and prove, that ogres, only thought to exist in ogre narratives, are instead real creatures in our modern world. So real that it hurts me to bite my tongue. I want to tell about it!

In the faith that ogres were used to symbolically evince potent threats to a society’s existence and posterity, this piecemeal exposition will handle in depth, topics like corruption, terrorism, tribalism, greed for power, drugs abuse and drug addiction and nuclear weaponry.

Follow me here every week, in this detailed exposition of modern day ogres and how to confront them.

Next week’s features will be on ‘ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴏɢʀᴇs!’

Until then, have a fantastic week😉


By Antony Kamau

Jubilee Party said yesterday Tuesday, 20th of April 2p21 that it had written to Political Parties Registrar Ann Nderitu on the dissolution of a 2018 partial coalition agreement with PDR now the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), a party associated with Deputy President William Ruto.

Jubilee Party’s Secretary Raphael Tuju said the decision was arrived at after the National Management Committee meeting found it “improper and untenable to complete the formulation of the Coalition due to the prevailing political and legal hurdles facing the coalition.”

“The Party has therefore decided to pull out of any further negotiations intended to complete the coalition process as is envisaged by the Political Parties Act and to cease any further engagement and association with the PDR whose officials, symbols and name has metamorphosed beyond recognition in comparison to the PDR we worked with previously,” Tuju said in a statement.

Speaking later Tuesday night in the News Line on KTN News, Tuju said that Jubilee found itself as a “strange bedfellow with UDA” and claimed that they felt betrayed to wake up in the morning and find that the person they went to bed with is no longer the same person and thus impossible to continue with the marriage till dawn.

Asked whether the Jubilee party has opened the door for the DP. William Ruto, Tuju responded by saying that Ruto should be the one to decide whether to leave or stay.

“I think that is the question he (DP Dr. Ruto) should best answer. As far as I know, he is the deputy leader of  the Jubilee party; I don’t know whether he can also be the party leader for UDA and juggle the two. I don’t know whether that is legally acceptable but that is the question he should answer.

Tuju cited political hurdles in the decisions on nomination where he accused the UDA party of greatly betraying them for choosing candidates against the Jubilee Party candidates. He added that some of the UDA members have continued to refer Jubilee in derogatory terms even in the public domain making it impossible to engage in any coalition-building discourse.

At the same time, there appears to be intensifying tension within the UDA party as politicians from Mt. Kenya region, commonly Tanga Tanga threaten to leave the party.



The MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD has warned of a global famine and has called on global leaders to make global food reserves in preparedness for the distressful future.

Speaking on the night of Wednesday 7th April, 2021 in his usual global midweek service broadcasted live on Jesus is Lord Radio 105.3/105.9 FM and globally on the worldwide web and also on Prepare the way YouTube channel, the MEN OF GOD, who also prophesied the devastating plague of locusts and corona virus pandemic that has crippled the whole earth, warned of a global famine that is about to strike the earth.

Basing his warning on an earlier vision where the LORD showed him seven fat and very healthy cows grazing by the banks of a river (  and also on another prophecy on global famine ( ) given  early last year, the prophet of the LORD warned that the earth is sitting at the verge of unprecedented global famine. “At the onset of corona virus, I came before you and I said that I have seen a tremendous historic famine that is coming to the earth, so you can see now the completion of the fat cows; there must now be the thin cows that eat them up and appear as though they have eaten nothing.” Said the renowned PROPHET OF THE LORD.

Reading from Genesis 41, the MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS of the LORD, said that after the seven healthy cows (which symbolizes bumper harvest), there must come other seven thin and ugly  cows which will eat up the fat cows and appear as though they have eaten nothing. 

The Mightiest Mightiest Prophet of the LORD leading multitudes to the LORD in a past mega healing service

He called upon global leaders to make global food reserves at this time when there is rain. The PROPHET OF THE LORD also adjured the national and global leaders to increase their agricultural food production and build large granaries for storage.  “If there are leaders of countries that are listening to me now, if there are any leader of any country that are tuned in now, this is the time to collect storage for your reserves. The message is clear, at this time, if there is rain, please consider national reserves; consider global reserves especially wheat and rice and corn; especially rice that supports  the biggest population of the earth. Consider building big storage…make sure that you expand your production.” He advised.

THE PROPHET OF THE LORD has warned that his words regarding the global famine will be fulfilled. He has cautioned the wise leaders to heed his counsel

He also exhorted the Israel’s agricultural technology and advised leaders to borrow from it. If you need technology in agriculture, you can consult the Israelis and they will come and in a short time you will have a bumper harvest…said THE MEN OF GOD THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET.

The prophet of the LORD Dr. David Edward Owuor, is a renowned prophet who preaches the repentance of sins and turning away from them. He is on a mission to prepare the way for the glorious coming of the MESSIAH, an event referred to as the Rapture. He is a greatly honoured prophet globally because of the many prophecies that HE has given about different events that came into fulfilment. Some of HIS  prophecies that have been fulfilled in a shocking precision include the Asian Tsunami, the Haiti earthquake (, the Chile earthquake  (, the virulent Ebola virus, the Zika virus that struck Brazil ( , the earthquake on Andes mountains in Lima Peru because of human sacrifice, the Mexico earthquake ( and the bloodshed coming to Kenya ( which was fulfilled in the 2007/08 post election violence among other.

The Mightiest Mightiest Prophet of the LORD walks at the altar of the LORD with a formally paralysed man soon after he received his healing in a past healing service conducted by the Prophet of the LORD

The prophet of the LORD has warned that the words of his terrible prophetic tongue regarding the coming global famine will be fulfilled and has called upon the wise leaders to take counsel.


The Mightiest Mightiest Prophet Dr. David Owuor leading multitudes to the LORD in a mega healing service in past years

The MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD has warned of a global famine and has called on global leaders to make global food reserves in preparedness for the distressful future.

Speaking on the night of Wednesday 7th April, 2021 in his usual global midweek service broadcasted live on Jesus is Lord Radio 105.3/105.9 FM and globally on the worldwide web and also on Prepare the way YouTube channel, the MEN OF GOD, who also prophesied the devastating plague of locusts and corona virus pandemic that has crippled the whole earth, warned of a global famine that is about to strike the earth.

Basing his warning on an earlier vision where the LORD showed him seven fat and very healthy cows grazing by the banks of a river (  and also on another prophecy on global famine ( ) given  early last year, the prophet of the LORD warned that the earth is sitting at the verge of unprecedented global famine.

Reading from Genesis 41, the MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS of the LORD, said that after the seven healthy cows (which symbolizes bumper harvest), there must come other seven thin and ugly  cows which will eat up the fat cows and appear as though they have eaten nothing. 

He called upon global leaders to make global food reserves at this time when there is rain. The PROPHET OF THE LORD also adjured the national and global leaders to increase their agricultural food production and build large granaries for storage.  “If there are leaders of countries that are listening to me now, if there are any leader of any country that are tuned in now, this is the time to collect storage for your reserves. The message is clear, at this time, if there is rain, please consider national reserves; consider global reserves especially wheat and rice and corn; especially rice that supports  the biggest population of the earth. Consider building big storage…make sure that you expand your production.” He advised.

He also exhorted the Israel’s agricultural technology and advised leaders to borrow from it. If you need technology in agriculture, you can consult the Israelis and they will come and in a short time you will have a bumper harvest…said THE MEN OF GOD THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET.

The prophet of the LORD Dr. David Edward Owuor, is a renown prophet who preaches the repentance of sins and turning away from them. He is on a mission to prepare the way for the glorious coming of the MESSIAH, an event referred to as the Rapture. He is a greatly honoured prophet globally because of the many prophecies that HE has given about different events that came into fulfilment. Some of HIS  prophecies that have been fulfilled in a shocking precision include the Asian Tsunami, the Haiti earthquake (, the Chile earthquake  (, the virulent Ebola virus, the Zika virus that struck Brazil ( , the earthquake on Andes mountains in Lima Peru because of human sacrifice, the Mexico earthquake ( and the bloodshed coming to Kenya ( which was fulfilled in the 2007/08 post election violence among other.

The prophet of the LORD has warned that the words of his terrible prophetic tongue regarding the coming global famine will be fulfilled and has called upon the wise leaders to take counsel.


He called upon global leaders to make global food reserves at this time when there is rain. The PROPHET OF THE LORD also adjured the national and global leaders to increase their agricultural food production and build large granaries for storage. “If there are leaders of countries that are listening to me now, if there are any leader of any country that are tuned in now, this is the time to collect storage for your reserves. The message is clear, at this time, if there is rain, please consider national reserves; consider global reserves especially wheat and rice and corn; especially rice that supports the biggest population of the earth. Consider building big storage…make sure that you expand your production.” He advised.

He also exhorted the Israel’s agricultural technology and advised leaders to borrow from it. If you need technology in agriculture, you can consult the Israelis and they will come and in a short time you will have a bumper harvest…said THE MEN OF GOD THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET.

The prophet of the LORD Dr. David Edward Owuor, is a renown prophet who preaches the repentance of sins and turning away from them. He is on a mis